Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dog days of Summer…..

OK, – you know what summer means in the South – our old friends Heat and Humidity come for an extended stay. Air so thick, you can see it and the oppression usually begins at sunrise. As most folks head for the relief of air conditioning, it can wreck havoc on your workout schedule. Some opt for the indoor gym or a local YMCA during these sticky days. Others fall victim to a workout’s worst enemy – procrastination…waiting for the “perfect” time, day, afternoon, weekend, etc. Average Joe knows these desperate times require us to look to friends to help us through. What friend loves you more than your faithful pooch?
Average Joe loves to run with is dog – “Average Dog”. The cuddly canine seems to enjoy the exercise and the adventure. There is an almost child-like feeling when you are running with your four-pawed friend. You know you are helping them, too – Average Dog needs to burn a few calories too!
Here are some helpful hints to make your shared workout time a happy and productive session for both of you:
  • Are you a match? – Match your exercise with your dog. Average Dog is a Labrador that loves to run. If you have a toy poodle or a daschund, running long distances is not their cup of tea. Small dogs are great for sprint work – short distances, high intensity activities. Try throwing a ball and racing your dog to see who gets it first.
  • Keep others first – When exercising, keep others in mind. Average Joe has found it helpful to keep the leash short when on a run. Dogs that run over other people are a nuisance, no matter how friendly they are. 
  • Beat the Heat! – Your pooch pal is covered with fur and has no sweat glands, so he is much hotter than you. Adjust your exercise time to take advantage of the cooler dawn or dusk weather. Provide plenty of water and consider a run/walk alternating pace. Average Dog has never passed a pond he could jump in, so we often end our runs around some cool water. 
  • Rain can be good – Average Dog loves to run in the rain. Since Joe is going to sweat anyway, what’s a little more water? Just be careful to listen out for thunder and watch out for lightning – most dogs are smart enough to hide when they hear a bad storm coming…so follow your dog’s lead and head for shelter when the light rain turns dark. 
  • Make it fun! – Average Dog lives for Joe to get home from work so he can play: throwing a ball, a frisbee or a toy is great exercise for the dog, but not so much for Average Joe. Try different games – instead of throwing the frisbee, Joe holds the frisbee just out of reach and runs. The dog loves a game of chase, and hopefully, the workout is improving Joe’s lateral movements and sprint abilities. 
  • Doggies sometimes “doo” – Yep, it happens. Be prepared by tucking a plastic grocery bag in a pocket or waistband. Be considerate of your fellow citizens and scoop that poop!
  • Socialize – Chances are, your city likes dogs and owners to get out together. With dog-friendly events scheduled throughout the year, the chances for your pet to make new friends are plentiful. Try Google and plug in your city and dog friendly events.
  • Get high with your dog! Head west, my friends. The mountains are only a couple of hours away and there are thousands of trails and hikes you can do with your wonder mutt. As long as he is on a leash he is welcome on the trails. Both of you will enjoy the cooler temperatures and light humidity.
Have a great summer with your four legged friends. Average Joe will see you out there!

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