How do we make the change from sitting on the sidelines to active participant? What separates the couch potatoes from the people you see jogging or riding a bike on these cold wintry mornings? When talking to sports psychologists and trainers you will find some similar thoughts that enable us to make significant changes in our lives. These ideas can be summarized in three major categories: Inspiration, Perspiration and Dedication.
Inspiration – Every athlete has a person, event or goal that inspires them. For some, it is a championship dream, for others it is a chance to prove they could make something of themselves when everybody doubted them. Without inspiration, there is nothing to reach for, nothing to challenge yourself, no goal to complete. Obviously, your inspiration must have a touch of reality – you can’t relate to an Olympic sprinter if you can’t walk two blocks without huffing and puffing. Think back to when you were a kid – who were your heroes, who did you pretend you were when nobody was looking? Some of your childhood heroes have contemporary counterparts. You may find inspiration from something you read about or see on TV, or even a co-worker. Average Joe hates running. But Joe has been inspired by a co-worker who began running marathons after turning 40. Now, Joe runs regularly (ok, semi-regularly) ad has competed in two events and is actually looking forward to the next race.

Dedication – What’s that famous quote? “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions!” Too often we set a goal, begin to work toward it – only to get de-railed by some aspect of our lives. Your job changes, the kids get sick, you have to go out of town, the stress of everyday life crashes in on us and we can’t see a way out. Our lives are so filled with activities, it is impossible to think you can work out every day at the same time. Don’t let the interruptions stop you! Local newspapers and magazines are a fantastic resource to find alternatives to your daily work out routine. Joe knows: if you miss a couple of days, the next thing you know it is July and too hot to breathe, much less exert yourself. We are creatures of habit. Get into the habit of exercising. Write down your goals and revisit them every couple of weeks (or daily if you are really struggling). Research your inspiration – find out what makes them tick. The dedication to continue training, overcome obstacles and distractions and transform yourself will allow you to finally ‘break free’ from those old bad habits and sour attitudes. Remember – if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Gather strength from others who are working toward similar goals. There are countless clubs and organizations in the Charlotte area that can help you connect with others on your same path. Hire a trainer – it is a lot harder to ignore the training schedule if you are shelling out hard-earned cash.
Keep on fighting! Reflect on the three keys to success:
Inspiration – find someone/something that lights your fire!
Perspiration – make your self get up and GO!
Dedication – Integrate your training into your daily life.
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