In the world of Twitter tweets and Facebook posts, instant message demands and inquiries, Blackberry electronic leashes and endlessly entertaining iPhone apps, when do we relax? Why do we feel the need to be connected, 'in the loop' and constantly informed? Whether it be work, pleasure, friends, colleagues, big pending deals or the latest movie review - we become dependent on these devices to define ourselves. Why can't we just put down the devices, walk away from the computer, shut off the streaming news and chill?

That is what we are all seeking. The constant flow of information makes us feel connected. We reason that the more informed we are, the better decisions we can make and thus, the better our lives will be. We want more information, so we can better control what happens in our lives.
Bad news: Control is an illusion. The more information we process, the more likely we will fall into a cycle of inactivity. Instead of freeing you, the information stream makes you a slave.
We need to rediscover the art of chilling out. When you sleep, your body goes through cycles of sleep. Light sleep, deep sleep, REM sleep, etc. Your body is naturally programmed to take time to relax and process the day's events. We all feel better after a 'good night's sleep', don't we?
Our minds are under attack each day. The flood of information begins each morning with the clock radio or the TV. Depending on your day, it is filled with meetings, kids, school, decisions, anxiety, fear, frustrations, delights, excitement, traffic, commitments, and the list goes on. All the while, we are checking our various devices for more information. At some point you fill up you available tank and the flow of info washes over you.
Ever wonder why you have such a hard time remembering things? Where are my keys? What did I come upstairs for? Aunt Louise's birthday was yesterday - darn I forgot! The flow of information pushes out the important thought and memories in our lives. Think about your parents or grandparents...did they frantically work themselves into a frenzy each day? More than likely, they took time to sit on the porch, talk with friends face to face, share a laugh with a neighbor. They might have been less informed, but they sure seemed to enjoy life and living more than we do.
Average Joe has some advice for you. Take a break. Cut off the devices and truly set yourself free. Learn to trust in yourself enough to be alone with your own thoughts. Memories will resurface, creativity will increase and laughter and smiles will be more spontaneous. Remember that what you read is often opinion disguised as fact. Live, laugh, love and learn to chill.